Edge computing

Security for the Edge Revolution

Secure-By-Design Edge Computing Solution

A Trusted and Robust Execution Environment for your Containerized Edge Computing Solutions

Edge computing

Security for the Edge Revolution

Secure-By-Design Edge Computing Solution

A Trusted and Robust Execution Environment for your Containerized Edge Computing Solutions

Overcoming Edge Security Challenges

Edge computing is developing rapidly, driven by next-generation connected devices and fast communication links.

Gartner predicts that by 2025, 75% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed at the edge. As value shifts toward the edge, security gaps emerge in cloud-edge integration and edge devices become an entry point for attack.

Vulnerabilities exist at each building block of the edge ecosystem – the edge, the public cloud, and the endpoint.

ARCA Trusted OS is a Linux-based micro distribution for containers that provides a comprehensive trusted execution environment that protects data at all stages (at rest, in transit and in use) throughout the entire edge ecosystem.

A transparent and homogeneous security for container environments up to the edge
Your benefits

ARCA Trusted OS gives you a full security solution, covering the edge and the back-end. It provides confidentiality and integrity of data collected at the edge, trust in application logic, and ensures attackers can’t use the edge to access your network.

Our solutions for edge deployments
Use cases of our solutions
Want to know more ?


Slide 1

Secure your data from core to edge


Expanding secure infrastructure further down to the edge


Container orchestration demo cloud to far edge
